Trustee Services

Your Wealth Protected is Your Legacy Preserved.⁣

Together with our top-tier experts, BrookHaven™ provides proactive planning with clarity, efficiency, and effective protection and preservation. A personable approach to a private trustee: our industry-leading attorneys individually serve as Trustee to maximize consistency in the drafting, execution, and adaptation of your plan and to ensure what you’ve worked hard to earn is overseen by a passionate fiduciary focused on protection and preservation.

Why Choose a Private Trustee?⁣

  • Integration. Our standing commitment to continual oversight and adaptation of your plans ensures a protected plan always ready for action.
  • One place. One Plan. One Team. Work with a trustee that’s integrated into the same team that handles the other critical aspects of your planning that enhance its cohesion, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  • Built-in Succession. Our team of industry-leading attorneys communicate continually, and together, provide a durable plan for trustee succession so that your plan and team stay together even in the worst of circumstances.
  • Expertise and Experience – Build a transparent and personable relationship with someone that’s been involved in crafting and adapting your plan from the start. ⁣

Integrated Trustee Services

We prioritize the security and continuity of our integrated trustee services. With a robust team and a designated successor trustee, we ensure that your trust administration remains uninterrupted, even in unforeseen circumstances. Rest easy knowing that our plans are durable and adaptable.

Trust Administration

⁣We handle all aspects of trust administration, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, managing trust assets, and executing your wishes according to the trust agreement.⁣

Fiduciary Responsibilities

We uphold the highest standards in our fiduciary duties, always prioritizing your best interests and the interests of the beneficiaries.

Estate Planning Integration

Together with our top-tier experts, we provide seamless integration with our legal services, aligning trust structures with your estate planning goals.

Asset Management Integration

Together with our experts, we provide comprehensive asset management services, working diligently to preserve and grow the trust assets in accordance with your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Distribution Management

Together with our trusted experts, we ensure efficient and equitable distribution of trust assets to beneficiaries, following the guidelines set forth in the trust agreement and considering their individual needs and circumstances.


We are dedicated to providing open lines of communication, keeping you informed at all times.

Succession Planning

We collaborate with you to develop a comprehensive succession plan, ensuring a smooth transition of trustee responsibilities.

Plan with confidence. Execute with a human touch.

Connect with us to learn more about our integrated approach to wealth planning.